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Our university has smoothly passed the field review of the degree-granting of the teaching foreigners Chinese major
December 17, 2015 | View:

Led by Professor Duan Yehui, dean of international culture and education school in Nanjing Normal University, the expert group conducted comprehensive study and evaluation about some projects like teaching situation, teacher’s team construction, reference room and laboratory construction of the teaching foreigners Chinese major in June 3, 2011. The vice president, leaders in teaching affairs office and leaders in literature law school and other relevant teachers in our college have attended the meeting.

Director Meiqiang in teaching affairs office was on behalf of the university to express a warm welcome for the coming of the leaders in department of education degree office and expert group. He gave a brief introduction of construction and prospect of the teaching foreigners Chinese major, hoping to have more suggestions and recommendations from the expert group so as to strengthen the construction of teaching foreigners Chinese major and improve the quality of teaching and training specifications. The vice-director Cailin in department of education degree office leader Duan Yehui stated the requirements, standard, process and main purpose of this inspection. Professor Wu Xiaofeng, the vice-dean in literature law school and the leader of the teaching foreigners Chinese major, made an overall statement according to the requirements of the assessment. And then the expert group reviewed related materials carefully and seriously investigated the laboratory and reference room and held conferences with teachers and students respectively. In the check and feedback conference, the expert group gave a high evaluation in the aspects of major construction, discipline construction, teachers, course construction, the quality of education, etc. As well as to fully affirm the achievements made by the teaching foreigners Chinese major, the expert group expressed the earnest hope on how to build a more professional teachers team and how to further strengthen professional course construction and laboratory infrastructure construction. Finally our university passed the on-the-spot review with excellent score.

After the meeting, vice-president and professor Tian Lixin thanked the expert group again and guarantee that Jiangsu University will earnestly implement the expert group’s comments and suggestions according to the feedback and pursuit perfection step by step, making the teaching foreigners Chinese major on the new stage.

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