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The squad “Refreshing” of the School of Humanities and Law carried out water-saving publicity
December 16, 2014 | View:

In order to implement the publicity of promoting water conservation and raise people's awareness of it, as well as offer an opportunity for college students to take advantage of summer holiday for social practice and get a better social integration, the squad “Refreshing” of the School of Humanities and Law in Jiangsu University came to authority kindergarten of Runzhou Distinct in Zhenjiang City, bringing a variety of water-saving environmental protection activities.

With bright sunshine and children’s warmer smile, the short play began. With carefully prepared performances, the team members made use of children’s favorite cartoon characters to fully inspire them to think of water shortage, which promote the significance of water conservation. Afterwards, the members adopted the methods of question and answer to teach the children water-saving tips in daily life and specific measures for water recycling. Finally, the children and their parents used brushes, paints and other tools to describe a beautiful paradise in their mind on a 20-meter long white banner, showing their yearn for green environment and a better life, through which the seeds of water conservation deeply rooted in the children’s young hearts.

The successfully held activity not only makes children be aware of the importance of water conservation and cultivate good habits of saving water, but also makes college students inspired and educated. It provides them with valuable practical experience to establish the right values and sense of responsibility develop the concept of labor and dedication as well as improve their overall quality.

On the ceremony, vice secretary of the league Yang Daojian thanked Jiangsu MingHe Group for the strong support to the employment of graduates and university students' social practice work. He gave full recognition on the creative mode using in the base construction, which is “Taking Literature Law School as the center, radiating teachers and students in the whole university, making sharing and practical platform”.

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