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Mid-Autumn evening activities
December 12, 2014 | View:

In order to meet the Mid-Autumn Festival, the new students feel better campus atmosphere, experience the charm of the University, to reduce students' feelings of homesickness, relieve military pressure. The School of Humanities and Law of Jiangsu University liaison, arts, Sports and Coca-Cola companies to jointly on September 18 on the floodlit court held "Celebrate New Life, Good Night Moon" Mid-Autumn evening activities.

Six p.m. whole, along with a passion for rock music, party officially kicked off. First, the opening of the two chorus "fairy tale" has attracted a lot of freshmen gathered to watch. The next play flute, guitar solo is sincere feelings, all mesmerizing scene the audience, the atmosphere gradually warm up. Subsequently, dynamic charming trio dance drew a more foreign friends to join, some improvisation exotic rumba dance, and the atmosphere suddenly high up. Followed by audience interactive sessions: Bunny, grab a chair, one minute drink other games, the party atmosphere to a climax lift, the students were eager to participate, positive interaction, laughter welling up the entire site. Finally, the Skating Association presented the exciting performances of figure skating events draw a satisfactory conclusion.

    The event not only make new students feel the passion and charm of the university campus, reducing the strangeness of their new environment and bring military fatigue and stress, to appreciate the traditional Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival as well as the long history of the times given Its new vitality, but also reflects the profound and Grammar School, Jiangsu University, students demonstrated youthful style.

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