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The Jiangsu University has set up the first discipline inspection and Supervision College in the province
August 18, 2022 | View:

Degree Committee of the State Council has issued a new edition of the professional directory for degree granting (draft for consultation) , the discipline of Discipline Supervision Code 0308 was added under the category of Law Science. The establishment of Discipline Inspection and supervision provides more powerful theoretical support, intellectual support and talent guarantee for the improvement of the party and state supervision system, it is conducive to addressing both symptoms and root causes and promoting the construction of a clean and honest party conduct and the standardization, rule of law and standardization of Discipline Inspection and supervision.

The Jiangsu University Party Committee has strengthened its awareness of opportunities, actively planned and carried out expert consultation, and combined with the actual development of Discipline Inspection and supervision discipline, has taken the lead in setting up the Jiangsu University Discipline Inspection and Supervision Institute in February this year. The Jiangsu University Institute for Discipline Inspection and supervision is the first discipline inspection and Supervision Institute established by a university in the province.

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