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The law school held a seminar to celebrate the 38th Teachers' Day
September 12, 2022 | View:

The law school held a seminar to celebrate the 38th Teachers' Day between new and old teachers. On the afternoon of September 9, the law school held a seminar to celebrate the 38th Teachers' Day between new and old teachers in the conference room of the law school. Zhou Guo qiang, Tan Jianjun and Dong Yurong, as well as new teachers from the past three years, attended the symposium, liu Tongjun, executive director of the Institute of Jiangsu University integrity and the rule of law; Fang Xiaoxia, Deputy Dean of the law school; and Niu yubing, deputy dean, attended the seminar. The forum was presided over by Zhu Lingping, secretary of the party committee of the Law School. At the meeting, representatives of new teachers present flowers to the school's “Most popular teachers” and  advanced workers and other honorary winners .


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