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The Law School successfully held the grade meeting for the 2022 undergraduate students.
December 20, 2023 | View:

To deepen students' understanding of the moot court course and ensure the orderly progress of the end-of-term work for the 2022 undergraduate students, the Law School held a grade meeting for the 2022 undergraduate students in Room 815 of Sanjiang Building on December 20. Fang Xiaoxia, the vice dean of the college, Wang Peng, the deputy secretary of the party committee and vice dean, and all the 2022 students attended the meeting, which was chaired by the counselor Zhou Sihan.

At the beginning of the meeting, Fang Xiaoxia provided guidance and emphasized the importance of the moot court course and the examination discipline. On the one hand, she explained the significance of the arrangement of the moot court course and the time and process of the course to the students, and on the other hand, she urged all students to abide by the examination discipline and prepare for the upcoming winter vacation. Zhou Sihan made a corresponding report on the arrangement of the end-of-term student work, explained and interpreted the relevant policies of the school, and provided guidance on the students' future study and career planning. Wang Peng emphasized that during the final exam period, students should combine work and rest, maintain regular routines, and avoid cheating and other disciplinary violations. In the just-concluded 6th Jiangsu Province Moot Court Competition, our school achieved the second place in the province. Students should take this as motivation, study the moot court course well, and lay a solid foundation for their career planning. Best wishes for a happy winter vacation.

The development of this grade meeting effectively helped students clarify their career planning, create a good examination atmosphere and discipline, and ensure the orderly progress of the end-of-term work.

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